Thursday, November 4, 2010

Self Evaluation: Demonstration Speech

This post will be a self evaluation of my demonstration speech on break dancing, for which the link can be found here.

  Unfortunately, the video did not work properly on my computer, so I could only hear the audio.  That being said, I could still observe my diction, but I will have to judge my body language based on what I felt at the time.  I felt that I projected my voice clearly with ample volume, despite a little bit of coughing, but I caught myself saying "um" once or twice.  This has been a problem in the past, but it seems to have diminished in this speech.  This is something I will work on in my next speech.
  Although I was unable to observe my body language, while giving my speech I felt like I was presenting a relaxed and confident posture, belying my nerves.  Interestingly, I only felt nervous at the book ends of my speech, and I caught myself stuttering a couple of times, but for the most part I thought I dealt with it well.
  Unfortunately, I was forced to change the organization of my speech while I was giving it, due to the size restriction of the room and the subsequent lack of volunteers.  While I greatly appreciated that Joe volunteered, I expected more people to volunteer, and was planning on giving more specific instruction on the dance moves.  Since Joe felt to awkward to try the steps as the only volunteer, I could not help him to improve, consequently, my speech ended up being much shorter than planned.  One thing I could have improved on greatly is reiteration, which would have emphasized my point and lengthened my speech.

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